Some remarquable memory achievievements by Canadians in China

Congratulations to Kelvin Song, Phoenix Wang and Louis Bao for their remarquable achievements at the Asia Pacific Masters of Memory Competition in China!

  • Kelvin Song earned the title of Asia Pacific Master of Memory as well as 2 gold medals, 1 silver medal and 6 bronze medals in different disciplines.
  • Louis Bao earned 1 gold medal, 1 silver medal and 5 bronze medals.
  • Phoenix Wang earned 5 bronze medals.

Along with their teacher Mandy Wang, they also attended the “Licensed Master of Memory test”. Kelvin Song walked away with a level 10, the only person this year to do so, and the second person in Canada to earn this achievement after me. Phoenix and Louis walked away with level 8.

Kelvin, Louis, Phoenix and Mandy are all affiliated with Landmark Memory Sports, a memory training center based in Vancouver. And all of them are also former CMSA competitors.