Results of the 2024 National Mental Math Championship

The 2024 National Mental Math Championship was held Sunday November 10 in Montreal. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Congratulations to Hua Wei Chan for his fourth (!!!!) consecutive Canadian mental math champion title!

Congratulations to Mohammad El Mir for his close second place!

Congratulations to 2018 champion Jean Béland for his third place overall and thanks to everyone who participated! 

Thanks to Rosaly Perreault for her help supervising the event!

And thanks to Athmane Dadi and the whole team of the Champs School Draa El Mizan in Alger, Algeria. Athmane was planning to travel all the way from Algeria to Montreal along with a team of 25 people to compete in both our mental math and our memory championships. We’re sorry that their request for a travelling visa was unjustly denied and that the trip had to be canceled.

And here’s a clearer picture of fourth time national champion Hua Wei Chan

Some fun facts about the participants:

  • First place Hua Wei Chan got second place at the Mental Calculation World Cup in Germany back in 2012.
  • Second place Mohammad El Mir got third place at the Mental Calculation World Cup in 2022.
  • Third place Jean Béland was the Canadian Mental Math champion back in 2018. He once earned thousands of dollars in a tv show thanks to his quick mental math skills.

Apologies for the strange-looking guy who got in front of the camera. We have no idea who that is.

P.-S. For future editions of our mental math championship, we will be brainstorming various ways to try attract a significantly larger number of intermediate and beginner-level participants. Let us know if you’d like to help us or collaborate with us in any way to reach that goal!