How to sign up for a CMSA event

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Thank you for your interest and your participation!

Here’s how you can sign up for one of our upcoming championships. The steps are the same whether you’re signing up for the memory championship, the mental math championship or both.

  • Download the appropriate registration form.
  • Answer at least all the questions in bold and send it to
  • Pay your registration fees or voluntary contribution by clicking the Donate button on the How to help page of this website. (Please use this method if you can. If that option doesn’t work for you for some reason, please bring the correct amount in cash to pay onsite.)

*Signing up for local residents is free if you can send your registration form and show up to compete. Voluntary contributions are suggested to help us cover the cost of the event.

We will later contact you by e-mail with all the remaining necessary information, including the exact address and room where the event will be held and some directions on how to get there.

Here are the in-English registration forms for both championships:

Click here if you can’t download the registration form for mental math

Click here if you can’t download the registration form for memory

* Please answer at least all the questions in bold and send them to

If you’re considering flying to Canada for our event, please read this message before making a final decision.

Registration fees or suggested voluntary contributions:

  • 15$ per participant in the Regular section.
  • 25$ per participant in the Advanced section
  • If you’re signing up for both championships, you should get at least a 5$ “discount” for the second registration. So only 10$ in the Regular section or 20$ in the Advanced section. (For example, participating in the Regular section of both championships would only be 25$ in total).

*If you’re willing to help us cover the cost of the event, please send your voluntary contribution / registration fee by clicking the Donate button on the How to help page of this website. (Please use this method if you can. If that option doesn’t work for you for some reason, please bring the correct amount in cash to pay onsite.)

The mental math championship on Sunday November 10 will start at 1 PM, Montreal time.

The memory championship the next week on Sunday November 17 will start at 11 AM in Vancouver and Edmonton and at 1 PM in Montreal.

  • In Vancouver, the memory championship will be held at the Burnaby Campus of Simon Fraser University (8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6), West Mall Center. Room 2503
  • In Montreal, the two events will be at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Pavillon J.-A.-Desève (DS). Salle DS-3475.
  • The Edmonton venue will be the Stanley Milner Library, the main branch downtown at 7 Sir Winston Churchill Square. Room number 2, called “Edmonton civic worker”.

* Important: Please let us know in advance if you’re planning to be there. We’ll have a couple or spare just in case, but we still need to know how many participants to expect and how many copies to print.

Winners will get eternal glory and universal acclaim from everyone on Earth.

First place in the Advanced section will also win 125$.

Second place in the Advanced section will also win 60$.

Other monetary rewards might also be offered to winners of other sections (junior, kid, senior, open), but only if there are a high enough number of participants.