By scrolling down on this page, you will find the results for (in that order):
- The 2023 Honorary Memory Challenge
- The 2022 Honorary Memory Challenge
- The 2021 Honorary Memory Challenge (previously called “Round 2”)
- The 2020 Honorary Memory Challenge (previously called “Round 1”)
- The honorary results we received after the 2019 National Memory Championship
- The honorary results we received after the 2019 Quebec Memory Championship
*The results of the 2021, 2022 and 2023 Honorary Mental Math Challenge have been moved to this page.
In 2019 we started putting all our competition documents online and we encouraged people who are unwilling or unable to take part in our regular in-person events to try to simulate “competing” at home in a completely self-regulated and honorary way. In 2020 and 2021, for reasons that you can probably guess, those “honorary challenges” temporarily started to replace our official in-person events. Below we’re posting the results and comments of all those brave souls who have chosen to participate so far.–
Some important notes:
- Just to be clear, although we suppose that everyone honestly reported everything, this is all done for fun and practice and none of the results below are official. Only in-person championship results are considered official.
- So far the majority of those who participated in an honorary way happen to have a lot of previous experience with memory sports. Most of the scores listed below are way, way above average. Some are among the very best in the world. So if some of your personal scores seem poor in comparison, that’s completely normal and it certainly doesn’t mean that they are “bad”. In the future, we’re hoping to convince many more beginners and people of all levels to participate in memory and/or mental math competitions, including people who happen to struggle with mental math and/or with their memory. Whoever you are, if you have the guts to submit yourself to those challenges, you’re already way ahead of 99% of the rest of the population.
- Every honorary challenge comes with a deadline for sending us your results and for being included in the scoreboard. You’re of course encouraged to send us your results during those periods. However, if you miss the deadline, or if you want to attempt to do better than you previously did, it will always be possible for you to download the latest challenges and test yourself. The latest editions of our Honorary Memory Challenge and our Honorary Mental Math Challenge will always remain accessible online. You can use those documents. Or you can use our memory or mental math training tools and sample disciplines. So if at some point in the future you want to try something and post your results, you’re very welcome to do so as a comment at the bottom of this page, as a post in this Facebook group or anywhere else you prefer.
Full results of the 2022 Honorary Memory Challenge
Many thanks and congratulations to all participants of the long-delayed 2023 Honorary Memory Challenge!
Top 5 best overall reported scores in memory were by:
Silvio Di Fabio in Italy
Don Michael Vickers in Nova Scotia
16 years old Mandy Wang in British Columbia
Dmitriy Krasnoshyokov in Russia
15 years old Chuniei Bao in British Columbia
Thanks also to Serena Wang and everyone at Landmark Memory Sports Training Centre in Vancouver! Here are some photos of their students.
Full results of the 2022 Honorary Memory Challenge
Thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations for what you managed to achieve!
–About those scoreboards:
- We don’t usually make a scoreboard for honorary results, but we’re making an exception until we can start having in-person events again. Once again this is an “honorary” challenge and there is no official “ranking” here. But just to satisfy our curiosity, we calculated an overall number of “championship points” for every participant to see who did best. You can click here if you would like to see a more detailed version of this scoreboard that includes the specific number of championship points and bonus points earned for each event.
- The first number in each box shows the raw official result. The second number after a slash sometimes shows the attempted score. The attempted score has no effect on the final ranking and we only note this to satisfy our curiosity. In the Advanced section, penalties for errors can sometimes be severe, especially for numbers and words. Therefore, do not assume that a score of 200/300 necessarily means that the participant made 100 mistakes.
- One note about Александр Панфилов‘s results: As noted in the scoreboard, he had some technical problems that messed up his exam attempts. His word score of 196 correctly memorized words in 10 minutes is really amazing! Unfortunuately he didn’t take the time to calculate his score properly using cmsa rules. He made his attempt on the IAM training website using Russian words and sent us a bunch of screenshots. I had no way to check which of his errors were simple spelling mistakes (1 point penalty) versus real errors (5 points penalty). The 110 score in the scoreboard is the result he would have gotten if we assume that 0% of his errors were simple spelling mistakes. His “real” result may very well be significantly higher.
- The final column indicates the total number of championship points (CP) and bonus points that have been earned by a particular participant. For each event, a mathematical formula is used to convert the raw result into a number of championship points. In the advanced section, at the end only the 5 best results out of 6 are taken into consideration. Bonus points can be earned either by obtaining a top 3 result among your peers in a particular discipline or by memorizing at least 60, 100 or 150 digits; 20, 40 or 52 cards.
- The participants are listed in first name alphabetical order.
- Click here if you’re curious about all the details concerning Championship Points (CP) and bonus points calculation.
- Click here to read all the rules for all the different events.
Some additional commentaries:
Comments from James Gerwing from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The Universe will pay for these suboptimal results!
Comments from James Ward from North Yorkshire, UK.
I enjoyed taking part – though I found it hard work as always. (But a good workout for my old brain!)
Comments from Guylaine Chenel from Basses Laurentides, Québec, Canada
Je serai meilleure l’année prochaine!
Salutations et merci aux organisateurs!
Comments from Francis Blondin from Montreal, Canada.
I enjoyed participating and I enjoyed seeing the amazing results that others manage to achieve. My own results were somewhat disapointing because I know that I can do significantly better than that [see my Honorary 2019 Quebec results for a favorable comparison]. For what it’s worth, here are my very lame circumstantial excuses:
- During the last few weeks and months and even years, the vast majority of my “memory sports” related time has been dedicated to trying to improve and master my “new” insanely complex and frequently changing 3-digit and 2-card system. It’s a very cool project that I’ve enjoyed pursuing, but it’s been very time-consuming and so far it has failed to improve my performance. For this challenge, at the last minute I ended up deciding that I would use the 3-digit system for numbers, but use my more reliable old PAO instead for cards.
- Since I designed all the disciplines, I can’t ethically choose to use the same documents as everyone else for my “official” attempts. My word attempt with a training website was a little frustrating, with several difficult words, including 4 that were completely new to me.
- I foolishly waited until the very last day to do all my attempts, and other tasks kept me busy for much of the day. I ended up doing my number and exam attempts very late at night while struggling to remain awake…
Of course none of that really matter! And my so-called “disappointing” results are still very good by most non-insane standards. I’m glad I made the effort. I’m looking forward to practicing a little more regularly and making some new attempts in the not too far future.
Full results of the 2021 Honorary Memory Challenge*
*Please note that this particular challenge was previously called “Round 2”. You’ll see the previous name being used often below. Since we’ve been doing one of those every year since 2020, we just thought it made more sense to rename them by their respective year.
- Thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations for what you managed to achieve!
- Congratulations to Braden Adams for once again managing to get the best results overall along with some new unofficial national records.
- Congratulations to Silvio Di Fabio in Italy for his close second place overall.
- Congratulations to 13 years old Joshua Olayanju in New Jersey for his third-place overall, beating all participants of all ages except Braden and Silvio.
- Congratulations to Don Michael Vickers for his second place among Canadians.
- Congratulations to Jim Gerwing for his third place among Canadians and first place among seniors
- Congratulations to Jefferson Song for his first place in the Regular section.
- Thanks to Landmark Group in Vancouver and congratulations to all their students.
Here are some nice pictures of all participants in the Regular section. They are all students of Landmark Group in Vancouver. The mysterious ninja-looking man below the tv happens to be Braden Adams.
- Use the zoom-in function on your computer (usually Ctrl +/-) for better clarity. Reading on your cellphone will probably be more difficult.
- Explanations about this scoreboard are added below.
–About those scoreboards:
- We don’t usually make a scoreboard for honorary results, but we’re making an exception until we can start having in-person events again. Once again this is an “honorary” challenge and there is no official “ranking” here. But just to satisfy our curiosity, we calculated an overall number of “championship points” for every participant to see who did best. You can click here if you would like to see a more detailed version of this scoreboard that includes the specific number of championship points and bonus points earned for each event.
- The first number in each box shows the raw official result. The second number after a slash sometimes shows the attempted score. The attempted score has no effect on the final ranking and we only note this to satisfy our curiosity. In the Advanced section, penalties for errors can sometimes be severe, especially for numbers and words. Therefore, do not assume that a score of 200/300 necessarily means that the participant made 100 mistakes.
- The final column indicates the total number of championship points (CP) and bonus points that have been earned by a particular participant. For each event, a mathematical formula is used to convert the raw result into a number of championship points. In the advanced section, at the end only the 5 best results out of 6 are taken into consideration. Bonus points can be earned either by obtaining a top 3 result among your peers in a particular discipline or by memorizing at least 60, 100 or 150 digits; 20, 40 or 52 cards.
- The participants are listed in first name alphabetical order.
- Click here if you’re curious about all the details concerning Championship Points (CP) and bonus points calculation.
- Click here to read all the rules for all the different events.
Some additional commentaries:
(As always you can just contact me if you want any of your comments to be added here.)
From James Ward from the United Kingdom:
James wrote the following on the Art of Memory forum:
“I recently took part in Round 2 of the Honorary Memory Challenge (having also taken part in Round 1 last year). It was hard work – especially for my 66-year-old brain – but great fun! It was almost as physically demanding as mentally challenging, and took me almost 4 hours – with breaks – to complete. I rarely commit large chunks of time to memory practice (one of the reasons, I’m sure, why my progress is limited), so this was like a massive workout for me. I’m hoping it will have some delayed effect on my current ML times. But even if it doesn’t, it was still a very enjoyable experience.”
In an e-mail, he also mentioned that he was surprised by his card and images score, considering that in practice he can sometimes manage to memorize a full deck of cards in two minutes and 30 images in 47 seconds.
From Francis Blondin from Montreal, Canada:
So here’s the very long and very boring story (you’ve been warned!) of my own training and my own performances ( : Feel free to skip of course!
While I’ve never stopped thinking and reading and writing about memory, training for “memory sports” hasn’t been a priority for me since 2018. I got back into it for a few weeks in 2019 and got some very good “honorary” results that are mentioned at the very bottom of this page. But since then all the time that I might have used for training have instead gone into designing and perfecting and learning a 3-digit and 2-card system. I knew this task would take long, but I never thought it would take me THAT long. It’s been a nearly endless process of building the system, thinking about potential images, moving them around, “improving” them, learning everything, practicing for a few days, stopping a long while, forgetting, making some new “improvements”, relearning everything, re-forgetting and so on… Those very large systems are awesome, but I don’t recommend them for 99%+ of the people out there.
Finally, 19 days ago on March 21 (I noted the date), I officially declared the system to be “ready” and – in addition to all the system drills – I started making a few daily short and quick memorization attempts with it. I also relearned and reorganized all my “memory sports” palaces because I felt that their previous configuration might be suboptimal in the long run. So I spent about one hour, sometimes two or more, on most days for more than 2 weeks preparing for the challenge. Most of that time was spent simply drilling that newly modified large number system or modifying my memory palaces.
Friday April 2nd, I thought I was more or less ready and started my “official” attempts. Results were ok, but they weren’t what I was hoping for, especially for numbers. So I gave up and decided I would wait until Sunday. On Sunday I tried names, and once again I felt like I was not alert enough and underperforming. Monday was the last day before the deadline, but unfortunately I had accidentally woken up at 3 am the night before without managing to fall back asleep. So I again waited until Tuesday April 6, and only then did I start feeling “good enough” and getting decent results by my standards. By then the deadline had passed, so that’s why I didn’t include those results in the scoreboard.
Anyway if anyone is curious, here they are:
[Note that as an organizer, I’m supposed to skip the exam and only use memorization material from or the IAM training software for my scores to be considered valid.]
- Got 62% at the exam. It could easily have been 80 or even 90+% if I hadn’t correctly remembered the words but misplaced so many countries and train parts. Anyway as a matter of principle it wouldn’t have been considered valid because I wrote the damn thing in the first place. That’s an advantage for sure, but not as much as one would think because the writing was done months ago and the process I use to come up with those made-up words is partly random and out of my control.
- Did one more attempt at images and got 146 images out of 170, so not much better than what I “officially” did a few days before.
- Did one names attempt with and one more with the CMSA document that you used. Got 39 names correct both times. Not great, but good enough.
- I was happy with my 95/100 words scores with A few days before, I had only managed 61 out of 100 (85 correct).
- My number attempt wasn’t nearly as good as I hoped, but it still felt much better than the one I had done the previous Friday. Score of 199 digits out of 255 (with 248 correct)
- Memorizing cards using my old PAO system felt good ( : 1 min. and 42 sec. on the first attempt and 1 min. and 14.6 sec. on the second. Not my best, but I was still quite proud! Now looking forward to start using my 2-card system instead relatively soon.
I often tell people that they should see their participation in any memory competition or challenge as a game and as a learning opportunity and not worry too much about their scores. But clearly, it seems like I have a hard time maintaining that attitude myself!
One last thought before I stop rambling: I’m quite happy with the way this “challenge” has forced me to start practicing again. I think memory training is similar in parts to physical training. It’s very easy to procrastinate or “forget” about it in favor of easier or more urgent activities, but it does feel great once you manage to make it into a habit. I’m now hoping to maintain this newly re-acquired awesome habit for as long as possible, even if only for a few minutes of daily-ish attempts.
2020 Honorary Memory Challenge* – The results
*Please note that this particular challenge was previously called “Round 1”. You’ll see the previous name being used often below. Since we’ve been doing one of those every year since 2020, we just thought it made more sense to rename them by their respective year.
- Thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations for what you managed to achieve!
- Thanks to Landmark Group in Vancouver and in China and congratulations to all their students. I’m quite jealous of many of the results you managed to achieve, particularly those of Mandy Wang, Zixuan Xian and Ziling Wu.
- Braden Adams performances were of course just as impressive as always and he got the best results overall. His continuous improvements over the last few years remain amazing to witness.
- Congrats to 11 years old Théodore Beaumont in Montréal for his amazing performance.
- Congrats to our 2 participants in their 60s who both did very well. James Ward from North Yorkshire the UK did better than I did at the Exam. Jim Gerwing from Sherwood Park in Alberta memorized more than 200 digits in 10 minutes. That’s also better than I did. I don’t know this for a fact, but it seems likely that Jim is currently the only Canadian citizen aged 60 years or more who’s capable of such a feat.
Here are two nice pictures of Shuhan Cao, Kingston Stone, Winston Stone and Mandy Wang while taking part in our challenge. They are all students of Landmark Group in Vancouver.

- Use the zoom-in function on your computer (usually Ctrl +/-) for better clarity. Reading on your cellphone will probably be more difficult.
- Explanations about this scoreboard are added below.

About this scoreboard:
- We don’t usually make a scoreboard for honorary results, but we’re making an exception until we can start having in-person events again. Again this is an “honorary” challenge and there is no official “ranking” here. But just to satisfy our curiosity, we calculated an overall number of “championship points” for every participant to see who did best. The “Open section” is for everyone who isn’t a citizen. Organizer Francis Blondin is also taking part in that section to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest. In the last column on the right, we point out who did best among Canadians and who did best in the Open section. We also point out who did best overall, no matter the section. Click here if you would like to see a more detailed version of this scoreboard that includes the specific number of championship points and bonus points earned for each event.
- Most participants in our in-person championships usually choose to compete in the Regular section, with less strict scoring rules and with numbers and cards being optional. Here it turns out that everyone chose to take part in the Advanced section.
- The first number in each box shows the raw official result. The second number after a slash sometimes shows the attempted score. The attempted score has no effect on the final ranking and we only note this to satisfy our curiosity. In the Advanced section, penalties for errors can sometimes be severe, especially for numbers and words. Therefore, do not assume that a score of 200/300 necessarily means that the participant made 100 mistakes.
- The final column indicates the total number of championship points (CP) and bonus points that have been earned by a particular participant. For each event, a mathematical formula is used to convert the raw result into a number of championship points. In the advanced section, at the end only the 5 best results out of 6 are taken into consideration. Bonus points can be earned either by obtaining a top 3 result among your peers in a particular discipline or by memorizing at least 60, 100 or 150 digits; 20, 40 or 52 cards.
- The participants are listed in first name alphabetical order.
- Click here if you’re curious about all the details concerning Championship Points (CP) and bonus points calculation.
- Click here to read all the rules for all the different events.
Some additional commentaries:
From James Ward from the United Kingdom:
James left this much-appreciated post on the Art of Memory forum about this event and his participation. You can click here to read it.
From Francis Blondin from Montreal, Canada:
First please note that any participant who wants to add his or her own commentaries here is welcome to do so! Just contact me and I will gladly add them. Second let me apologize again for taking so long to compile and post the results. Been dealing with some issues that made it difficult for me to work and focus. The process also ended up taking much longer than I thought it would.
Other than that, I already thanked and congratulated everyone, so now I’ll talk a little bit about my own performances. Feel free to skip, because it will be quite boring! I think what I managed was quite good, but not nearly as good as what I’ve done in the past. That shouldn’t be a surprise since it’s been so long since I’ve last been practicing regularly. I was hoping to prepare semi-seriously for this, but unfortunately it didn’t work out that way. I was busy with some other concerns and all my preparation time was absorbed by me making some last-minute changes to my new system for numbers and cards. Been working on that ridiculous (and awesome) system for an absurdly long time. So far instead of really using and practicing it, I seem to just keep finding new time-consuming ways to make it 0.01% “better” or more fun. Hopefully it will pay off in the long run!
Because I’m an organizer, I’m only allowed to sign up for the open section and to use the somewhat more difficult words and names from the IAM training website and Ended up writing down a lot of synonyms for words. A lot of small typos for names. A lot of correct names associated with the wrong faces. ARRRGH! I did the exam just to see how it would go, but my result can’t possibly be considered valid because, well, I wrote it all down in the first place about a month ago. Didn’t do that great despite that advantage. Did all right with cards thanks to the fact that I used my old PAO. None of this really matters of course! I still enjoyed this challenge and hopefully I’ll be better prepared for Round 2.
Some honorary results we received after the 2019 National Memory Championship
Results of Guillaume Petit-Jean from Courbevoie, France
Guillaume told me he enjoyed the format but he hasn’t been training a lot recently and he isn’t too satisfied with his scores. I happen to think that those results are amazing, but I guess we all have different standards ( :
- 296 images
- 65 names
- 105% at the advanced exam (yep, that’s possible)
- 100 words
- 252 digits out of 300
- 1 min and 46 seconds for cards
Results of Jean Béland from Granby, Canada.
Jean did some challenges in person at the competition, but he was sick and unable to focus so he decided to leave. He later sent me those honorary results for those 2 disciplines he had missed:
- 80.5% for the advanced exam.
- 2 minutes and 30 seconds for cards.
Results of Francis Blondin from Montreal, Canada.
This is the second time that I’m organizing a competition and then later “competing” in it in an honorary way. First time was 8 months ago after the 2019 Quebec Memory Championship. I’m in more or less the same situation now than I was then, not on top of my game but still doing my best. Most of I wrote then (see my other entry down below) is still valid today. This time I was quite out of practice and I was tempted to skip this one, but I’m glad that I didn’t. Although I didn’t prepare as much and I didn’t do quite as well as last time, I’m still happy with my results and I still enjoyed the experience.
- Got 133 images. All right score but less than some of the beginner and intermediate level competitors in the Regular section.
- Happy with 86% result at the exam. Most of my mistakes were due to misremembering the correct locations of many elements. I once again had the huge advantage of knowing exactly what to expect with the format. Without that advantage, I’m hoping I would still have managed maybe 75% or a little more. I’m extremely biased but I think this is a very cool event and although I wouldn’t want it to be included at the next IAM World Memory Championship, I think that many more people should attempt it.
- Names is the other discipline where I had some advantage because although many names had been changed, I had seen all the faces before. I was still pleasantly surprised by my score of 55 names. For a more fair challenge, I then made another 5 minutes attempt on and got 39. Would have been 40 if it wasn’t for a small bug with the software, and nearly 50 if it wasn’t for all those names that I misspelled.
- 110 words out of 110.
- 258 out of 294 for numbers.
- Quite happy with my 1:02 cards score on my first try. Second try I did 53 seconds but I made a bunch of mistakes during recall.
Official in-person results for 2019 National Memory Championship are posted on this page.
Some honorary results we received after the 2019 Quebec Memory Championship
Sent by Konstantin Skudler, a German citizen living in Sweden
I managed to go through all the disciplines according to the timetable and here are my results and a few comments on them:
- Images: I tried 240 but did 5 mistakes, all in rows where I was unsure, but I decided to try to guess them and they turned out to be wrong. So 210 as final result.
- Exam: I think my score of 94 is quite good. I am a bit unhappy though because I lost 2 points with writing 2003 to the wrong event of Dracula and I didn’t know that there will be several events beginning with the same words. Furthermore, I remembered the anatomy names with the shapes of the locations which then were replaced by numbers, so I failed to assign the correct number to Tayos and Samso. Additionally: only 2 spelling errors with Tiblir and Pirori instead of Tribis and Piroro and the equation correct. So:
- Dates: 18/20, vocabulary: 20/20, geography: 18/20, astronomy: 18/20, anatomy: 16/20, Bonus: 4
- Names: 49/51
- Words: 150, all correct. I struggled a lot with the foreign language, i.e. I was much slower than I could have gone with german words, but that’s part of the challenge.
- Numbers: I tried 572, again slower than I wanted due to distraction during memorisation since many loud cars drove outside my window. But, I did only 7 mistakes, so 488.
- Cards: First trial memo time 1:12:22 minutes, recall easily in 1:45, all 52 cards correct. Second trial memo time 48:28 seconds, but 46th and 47th card swapped, so 50 score.
I haven’t taken a look on the results, so I’ll be surprised when you publish all of the honorary competitors’ ones!
Best regards,
Sent by Braden Adams from Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada.
- Images – 232/250
- Exam – 60%
- Words – 115/115
- Digits – 300/348
- Names – 49
- Cards – 58.42 secs
Sent by Francis Blondin from Montreal, Canada.
I’m of course completely biased but I really enjoyed “competing” with those disciplines and this format. Although I’ve never stopped completely practising memorization (mostly long-term memorizations and reviews), it’s been a year since I last did my best to be as fast as I could. But I did do a lot during the last few weeks to prepare for this “honorary championship” and I think it paid off. Full disclosure: I was the main organizer of this competition and I had previous exposure to all the disciplines. It’s been 3 weeks since I last looked at them and I did my best to avoid memorizing anything earlier on. I asked some friends to change some names and some parts of “the exam”, but I still undoubtedly had an important advantage at least with the exam and, to a lesser extent, with names. I don’t think I had any kind of advantage with all the rest, but who knows maybe I’m wrong. All that being said, here’s how it went for me.
I took all this ridiculously seriously and during the preceding 48 hours I did everything I could to be well-rested and to be in the best physical and mental shape possible. Did some fun and relaxing things. Reviewed my PAO as fast as I could about 7 or 8 times. Prepared and reviewed my journeys. Did just the right amount of physical exercise. Ate just the right amount of food. Did some meditation. Had just enough coffee and yerba mate tea (and also a little bit of some weird “nootropic powder” that I bought at the supplement store and that taste like candy) to be fully awake and sharp without being jittery. Made a schedule that I followed strictly and started memorizing.
- Images were going really well during the first 3.5 minutes. Then I looked at the timer and realized I had accidentally entered 10 minutes instead of 5. Damn it, now I have to periodically keep looking at the timer to make sure I don’t go overtime. Made me lose most of my focus. The last 3 lines I remember thinking something along the lines of “I don’t think I’ll remember this”. So I reviewed those last 3 lines twice and I still got them all wrong! Amazing how your state of mind when you’re memorizing makes all the difference in the world. I’m still happy with my 161 out of 215 images result.
- I enjoyed the exam. One mistake was due to a weird brain failure where I memorized something correctly but wrote down an incorrect answer for some weird reason. I didn’t get to the last 2 bonus questions and I managed to forget the “+” sign in the equation. Other than that most of my mistakes were due to misremembering the correct locations of many elements. Happy with my 84% result. While L. G. didn’t realize that he had to remember the spelling of those made-up words and Braden was also surprised by a few things, I had the huge advantage of knowing exactly what to expect with the format. Without that advantage, I’m hoping I would still have managed maybe 70%, about as the same as Jean Béland.
- Names is the other discipline where I had some advantage because although many names had been changed, I had seen all the faces before. Score of 47 names. Would have been more than 50 if not for 2 names I accidentally wrote twice and some typos. I’m hoping I would have managed about 40 or a little more without the initial advantage.
- Of course I wish I had avoided those 3 blanks, that one misremembered word and that one swapping mistake, but I’m still very happy with my 103 out of 135 words score.
- Very, very happy with my 312 out 324 numbers score. I was only mistaken with one of the last 6 digits that I grabbed at the end.
- Also very happy with my 1:03 cards score on my first try. Second try I went all in and did 49 seconds, which is almost my pb. Only 2 cards were swapped during that second try, which is better than I expected considering how blurry everything felt during recall. So I did much better than I expected overall.
Official in-person results for the 2019 Quebec Memory Championship are posted on this page.