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  1. Tanis Pilfold

    I seen the championship event mentioned on the news so I thought I might ask. My mother is 92 years old almost 93 and I recently purchased a iPad. What I was hoping is if you might know and could suggest an app I could download for her to stimulate her brain and memory? I use Lumosity myself and think that would be to fast paced for her.

    1. Francis Blondin

      Hello Tanis. Lumosity has been condemned for making claims that go beyond what they can prove. It doesn’t mean that it’s a complete waste of time, but it does mean it’s not all that efficient. The same holds true for all or at least most brain training apps. I sometimes use (free) and (cheap enough), but it’s probably not making me any smarter. However there are ways to help your brain age better, and there are some forms of brain training that truly work (although it’s not always easy to know which ones). General rule: sleep at consistent hours, move a lot, have a social life, do a variety of challenging stuff (not just one app). I suggest you read this article: And if you want to dive deeper, head to the library and find the Scientific American Mind May 2016 issue and read the “Who Really Gains from Brain Training” article. And while you’re there check out the July 2016 issue of the same magazine. Best wishes

  2. Samuel Lapointe

    Bonjour, j’étais présent a la competition et je voulais savoir si vous avez les resulat de la competition de rubik et de calcul mental? Si oui pourriez vous m’indiquer ou aller voir ou me l’envoyer par courriel. Merci

    1. Francis Blondin

      Bonjour Samuel. Tu peux trouver les résultats en allant sur la page d’accueil du site et en cliquant sur les liens appropriés. Les liens sont présentement sous le grand montage de photos.

  3. Serena Wang

    Hi, I want to know how many times and when the memory sports every year?

    Thank you so much

    1. Francis Blondin

      Hi! Yes our National Memory Championship will be every year. The next one is November 24 in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. Dates for future events aren’t fixed yet. Other provincial championships can also happen every year, but they don’t necessarily have to.

  4. Wenzel Grüß

    Hi, when Covid ends (some lucky day!!) it would be great when Mental Calculators try this too.
    I think it’s a lot of fun and the perfect mind sport especially for young calculators.

    1. Francis Blondin

      Sure! We might even make the use of the German language mandatory for added difficulty (:

  5. Wenzel Grüß

    Right, but I can do it in (lousy) English too.

    This is a good site to practize normal MC I think


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